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Máquinas Apnea del Sueño: AirSense 11 AutoSet (NUEVO)

ResMed AirSense 11 AutoSet NUEVO cpapeuropa_com

Máquinas CPAP España

¿Busca una máquina CPAP con envío urgente en 1 día a España? ¿Cuáles son las mejores máquinas de CPAP disponibles para su venta y envío a España? Hoy vamos a repasar las máquinas de CPAP automáticas más populares disponibles para su compra es España, clasificando los modelos europeos y americanos mejor valorados disponibles en el país. Además, ofreceremos una breve lista de sus principales características sin olvidar enumerar también sus contras. En esta breve pero completa guía te ayudaremos a encontrar la mejor máquina CPAP en Spian y dónde conseguirla online.

Pero lo primero es lo primero…

¿Qué es una máquina CPAP?máquina CPAP ResMed AirSense 11 AutoSet NUEVO

Una máquina CPAP es un dispositivo médico que funciona con electricidad y que suministra aire a los pulmones durante el sueño. Abreviado de presión positiva continua en las vías respiratorias (CPAP), estos dispositivos especializados se prescriben con mayor frecuencia para tratar los trastornos de la apnea del sueño. La apnea obstructiva del sueño (AOS) provoca interrupciones en la respiración del paciente, y la mayoría de las veces está causada por un colapso de los tejidos blandos de la garganta o de las vías respiratorias, que bloquea temporalmente la respiración del durmiente. La apnea del sueño es, por tanto, una afección peligrosa que requiere un tratamiento especializado.


¿Cómo funciona una máquina de CPAP?

Una máquina de CPAP está diseñada para enviar un flujo constante de aire presurizado a las vías respiratorias, evitando así el colapso de los tejidos al dejar de respirar. La máquina envía el aire por la boca o por la nariz, manteniendo las vías respiratorias siempre abiertas mientras duerme y ayudándole a respirar normalmente sin asfixiarse.


¿Se pueden comprar máquinas CPAP online en España?

Sí. Si le han diagnosticado recientemente AOS y está buscando comprar una máquina CPAP automática nueva, entonces definitivamente puede hacerlo. Las máquinas de CPAP están disponibles para su compra y entrega en España en CPAPEUROPA.COM. Damos servicio a todo el país y ofrecemos máquinas CPAP, BiPAP e incluso VPAP nuevas.


Llámenos para obtener ayuda:

+359 876 045 534


CPAP machines Ireland, Spain and Europe

¿Qué máquinas de CPAP se pueden comprar en España?

Hay dos tipos principales de aparatos de CPAP que se pueden pedir y entregar en España:


Las máquinas de CPAP automáticas son las más populares, ya que su algoritmo permite un suministro de presión de aire automatizado que aborda todas las formas de apnea. Las CPAP estándar no pueden autorregular la presión y, por lo tanto, deben preajustarse para el tratamiento de la apnea del sueño prescrito. Las CPAP de viaje, como su nombre indica, son unidades fáciles de trasladar, ligeras y compactas, que se pueden llevar a cualquier parte con el paciente (se utilizan sobre todo para viajar sin interrumpir el tratamiento de la AOS).

¿Cómo elegir la máquina CPAP adecuada para sus necesidades?

No es necesario. Su médico debe ser quien elija la mejor máquina para su terapia en función de su tipo de apnea del sueño y de la presión que mejor le funcione. Necesitas una receta para conseguir un dispositivo de CPAP, por lo que el médico de atención primaria, los somnólogos o los neumólogos deben ser quienes te recomienden un tipo específico de máquina de CPAP, ya sea estándar, automática o BiPAP.

Si ya le han recetado una terapia para la apnea del sueño con un ajuste y un rango de presión específicos, y por lo tanto sabe qué tipo de máquina CPAP necesita, entonces es fácil: sólo tiene que comprar el dispositivo CPAP necesario aquí:



💳 Tus compras 100% seguras

Lo más probable es que necesite un CPAP automático (auto CPAP) ya que se adaptan a todas las presiones y rampas prescritas.


ResMed AirSense 11 AutoSet NUEVO cpapeuropa_com


¡La flamante máquina Resmed Airsense 11 Auto CPAP ya está disponible en España! 




¡La última incorporación a la serie AirSense™ de ResMed ya está en CPAPeuropa! Presentamos el AirSense™11 AutoSet™ de ResMed, un dispositivo de presión autoajustable de primera calidad con humidificador térmico integrado, conectividad inalámbrica, detección avanzada de eventos y funciones de apoyo al paciente. ¡Ahora disponible para su compra con envío rápido a cualquier parte de Europa!

AirSense 11 está equipado con tecnología de salud digital mejorada, diseñada para que el inicio, la aclimatación y el cumplimiento de la terapia sean más fáciles y cómodos para sus pacientes. Combina nuestros modos de terapia de confianza con funciones de asistencia digital diseñadas para simplificar la configuración del equipo y la aclimatación de la terapia y proporcionar asistencia y asesoramiento personalizados para ayudarles a resolver por sí mismos los problemas habituales de la terapia.

El dispositivo incluye los algoritmos AutoSet y AutoSet for Her, que se encuentran entre los más publicados clínicamente en el campo de los trastornos respiratorios del sueño. Funciona para ajustarse automáticamente a la presión de terapia de cada paciente a medida que sus necesidades cambian -cada hora, cada noche y de una estación a otra- para ofrecer la presión de terapia más baja ideal para el paciente.


Comprar máquina CPAP - ResMed AirSense 11 AutoSet



Si tiene la intención de viajar con su CPAP, entonces una máquina CPAP automática portátil es la mejor opción para sus necesidades. Puede adquirir una aquí.




Y si está buscando el clásico Airsense 10
¡también estamos llenos de nuevos 10s!

ResMed AirSense introduce un nuevo estándar en el tratamiento de la apnea del sueño. Uno de los dispositivos CPAP más populares del mercado, el AutoSet es una máquina inteligente y autoajustable de calidad y rendimiento inigualables. El AirSense 10 AutoSet está diseñado para ajustar automáticamente los niveles de presión de aire que llegan a su mascarilla, cubriendo sus necesidades cambiantes durante las diferentes etapas de su tratamiento. Este dispositivo CPAP automático más vendido ofrece comodidad y presión personalizada al nivel más bajo posible.




Para obtener información sobre los precios de los pedidos al por mayor, llame al +4930 700 107 552 o comience a comprar en línea.



CPAP europa cpap shop - Entrega en España

Si necesita que le entreguemos un CPAP nuevo con envío urgente a su puerta, ¡no hay problema! ¡Estamos aquí para ayudarle!

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Airline lost my CPAP in Europe: What should I do?

Airline lost my CPAP in Europe: What should I do?

What should you do if your Airline lost your CPAP machine in Europe? 

Let us guess – you just flew into Europe only to realize at the airport that the airline lost your baggage along with your CPAP machine? You shouldn’t be surprised — that happens a lot! Whether you’re a tourist or on a business trip to good old Europe, you can find yourself without your CPAP equipment faster than you can say Apnea! And, you may be able to receive a small compensation for that too — months or even years later — but that won’t solve your current problem, or answer that ‘Where is my CPAP?’ question you have for the airline. In this article will answer that question and what you should do if you are currently in Europe without your CPAP equipment!

Should you find yourself at a European airport without your stationary or mobile CPAP machine at hand, don’t worry — you can get a replacement, and fast! No need to order a brand new one from distant home in the US for example as it will take a long time for it to arrive before you can even use it.

According to the US Bureau of Transportation, more than 2 million passengers fly every day. Among this number are passengers with CPAP machines travelling to Europe.

1-Day-Express delivery to any country in Europe!


Your Sleep Apnea won’t wait for the CPAP replacement for your lost machine, and neither should you! 

After the shock and anger of having your CPAP lost by British Airlines, Emirates, Delta or some other major European airline, you should act swiftly and find a replacement as soon as possible. Depending on the EU country you’re in, options will vary significantly — some countries may require to show your prescription before selling you a CPAP, while other may not even have CPAP stores where you can go and buy one. So your only choice to get another CPAP fast would be online. Problem is, it’s not that easy to find a European CPAP shop that can ship a new device from another country fast.


in 1 to 3 days!



We can get you a brand new CPAP machine the next day from having your old one lost by the airline! 

The moment you come upon the unpleasant surprise that you baggage with your CPAP in it has been lost during your flight, you should first contact the airline to inform them about it and then look for replacement CPAP asap! At CPAPeuropa you can choose a brand new Resmed CPAP machine, place a quick order with your current European location, and we will deliver it ANYWHERE in Europe on the next day with 1-Day Express Priority Shipping!

You get your CPAP, your sleep apnea stays under control, and you apply for a compensation for your lost or delayed luggage!



CPAPeuropa’s advice on safe travelling with your Sleep Apnea equipment at hand

Before even purchasing your ticket to Europe, read the CPAP policy of the specific airline you’d like to fly to Europe with! Different airlines have different rules about bringing your respiratory (including CPAP) equipment on board!

Most airlines have their own policies for traveling with a CPAP machine (often classified as assisted or medical device). Make sure to contact the specific airline at least two weeks prior before flying with your CPAP machine to Europe.  Tell them you’ll be bringing a Sleep Apnea machine and may even need to use it in-flight (especially for cross-Atlantic flights and flights from Africa, Asia or South America).

IMPORTANT: Policies vary between different airlines. Visit the airline carrier’s website and read their online policy regarding respiratory equipment and CPAP machines to learn more.




List of Airlines that have specific policies regarding flying with a CPAP machine:


  • Air France;
  • Air New Zealand;
  • American Airlines;
  • Asiana Airlines;
  • Austrian Airlines;
  • Bangkok Airways;
  • Cathay Pacific;
  • Delta;
  • Emirates;
  • Jet Blue;
  • Qatar Airways;
  • Singapore Airlines;
  • Swiss Airlines;
  • United Airlines;
  • Virgin America;
  • Alaska Airlines;
  • Southwest Airline;
  • Hawaiian Airlines.



1-Day-Express delivery to any country in Europe!

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Which Philips CPAP machines are being recalled?

Which Philips CPAP machines are being recalled (2023 updated)

Which Philips CPAP machines are being recalled?

You may heave heard the big news about Philips recalling its Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure (Bi-Level PAP) and mechanical ventilator devices. The news sent tremors across the sleep apnea community as millions of devices were to announced to be recalled until the potential health hazard for the user has been resolved. The reason for the withdrawal is Philips’ announcement that their CPAP devices and ventilator may be dangerous for the consumers due to a hazardous polyurethane foam in their design that could be toxic when degrading. But which Philips CPAP machines are being recalled — you may be asking yourself this question after hearing the breaking news. In this article will answer the question which CPAP models are being withdrawn and what you should do if you are currently using one of the potentially dangerous machines in 2023.


Looking for a brand new and cheap replacement CPAP that is NOT manufactured by Philips and is 100% safe? No problem.

Check out the best budget-friendly CPAP machines here.

Best Cheap CPAP machines for 2023 - Review Article - Buyers Guide

Here’s the full list of the withdrawn CPAP, BiPAP and ventilator machines by Philips

The specific Philips Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure (Bi-Level PAP), Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) and mechanical ventilator devices that were recalled and are no longer available for purchase in 2023. The following devices have been listed by Philips as possibly dangerous due to the polyurethane foam used in their design.

All Philips CPAP devices manufactured before April 26, 2021, under all serial numbers, are being recalled.


Philips Respironics Central Building News about recall

  • E30 (Emergency Use Authorization);
  • SystemOne ASV4;
  • C Series ASV, S/T, AVAPS;
  • OmniLab Advanced Plus In-Lab Titration Device;
  • SystemOne (Q series);
  • DreamStation ASV;
  • DreamStation ST, AVAPS;
  • DreamStation CPAP, Auto CPAP, BiPAP;
  • DreamStation GO CPAP, APAP;
  • Dorma 400, 500 CPAP;
  • REMStar SE Auto CPAP;
  • Trilogy 100 Ventilator;
  • Trilogy 200 Ventilator;
  • Garbin Plus, Aeris, LifeVent Ventilator;
  • A-Series BiPAP V30 Auto Ventilator.

If you are using one of the above-listed models, you should immediately discontinue use and contact your doctor about replacement CPAP therapy with another machine. If you are using life-sustaining mechanical ventilator, you should not stop using the device without first consulting with your doctor. Your doctor will be able to provide you alternate ventilator options that will sustain the therapy you have been prescribed need without risking your health.

Everything you need to know about the withdrawn ventilators

Philips DreamStation CPAP machine and Philips System One CPAP machine

Here’s what you need to know about the withdrawn models CPAP and ventilators by Philips.


All Philips BiLevel PAP devices manufactured before April 26, 2021, under all serial numbers.


E30 model ventilator

  • designed for minimum ventilatory support for facility use.


  • non-life supporting continuous ventilator models ASV, ST, and AVAPS.

SystemOne ASV4

  • Continuous ventilators, non-life supporting model.

C Series

  • Continuous ventilator, non-life supporting models ASV, S/T, and AVAPS.

OmniLab Advanced Plus

  • in-lab titration device.

SystemOne Q

  • Series models of non-continuous ventilators.

DreamStation CPAP, Auto CPAP, and BiPAP

  • all ventilator models under all serial numbers.

DreamStation Go CPAP and APAP

  • all models of non-continuous ventilators.

Dorma 400 and 500

  • CPAP models of non-continuous ventilators.

REMStar SE Auto

  • CPAP models of non-continuous ventilators

The Trilogy 100, Trilogy 200, Garbin Plus, Aeris, and LifeVent

  • Continuous ventilators.

The A-Series BiPAP V30 Auto and Hybrid A30

  • continuous ventilators for minimum ventilatory support for facility use.

Outside the United States, the A-Series BiPAP A30 and A40

  • Non-life supporting continuous ventilators.




Philips CPAPs recalled alternative options for replacement - Aitsense 11 Cpap Store Eu






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    Adaptive Servo-Ventilation In Sleep Apnea Treatment

    Adaptive servo ventilation explained - blog post cpapeuropa

    What is Adaptive Servo-Ventilation?

    If you have sleep apnea, you might have heard about adaptive servo-ventilation. What is adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV), though? And how is it used to treat sleep apnea? Today we will answer these question and dive further into the topic of ASV and its implementation in sleep apnea therapy.

    Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV) is a type of non-invasive ventilation used to treat patients with central sleep apnea. ASV is also used to treat patients with mixed and complex sleep apnea as well as Cheyne-Stokes. As a central sleep apnea treatment method, ASV dates back to 1998, when it was introduced as a method to treat the condition while continuously monitoring the patient’s breathing pattern.

    Sleep apnea is one of the most debilitating modern day sleep disorders. ASV has been widely utilized in treating patients with the central type.

    The main pros of adaptive servo-ventilation

    Adaptive Servo-Ventilation comes with several pros when applied in the treatment of central sleep apnea. In addition, an ASV device is especially beneficial to patients with complex sleep apneа mainly because of its capability to deliver variable flow upon demand. ASV sleep apnea machines are also used to treat obstructive sleep apneas as well.

    Compared to standard PAP devices, ASV machines auto adjust to respond to the sleeper’s changing breathing patterns in the events of central sleep apneas. This helps patients to breathe easier throughout the night and ensure that they are getting an adequate supply of oxygen during therapy.


    ASV Device Example:

    ResMed Aircurve 10 ASV with Heated Humidifier


    Cons of adaptive servo-ventilation

    ASV therapy may not be the most suitable choice of treatment for some patients with symptomatic heart failure. That’s why adaptive servo-ventilation therapy must always be prescribed after proper testing and diagnosis of the particular type of sleep apnea and patient.

    ASV treatment is not recommended for patients with the following health conditions:

    • Chronic hypoventilation;
    • Moderate to severe chronic COPD;
    • Restrictive thoracic disease;
    • Neuromuscular disease;
    • Chronically elevated partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2);
    • Arterial blood gas greater than 45 mm Hg.

    CPAPs with ASV Modes

    Adaptive servo-ventilation is a form of positive airway pressure therapy (PAP). The method automatically adjusts the delivery of air pressure to the patient according to how many pauses in the breathing are detected during sleep.

    Sleep apnea devices (CPAP and BiPAP) with ASV modes rely on complex computer algorithms to adjust the pressure throughout the therapy cycle. In that regard, adaptive servo-ventilation “starts” the patient’s breathing only when required. These sleep apnea devices use the same accessories (tubes, masks) as standard non-ASV units.

    What differentiates ASV in central sleep apnea treatment–as compared to standard OSA treatment–is its ability to quickly stabilize the breathing pattern and control arterial blood gases. ASV treatment is also more efficient at reducing patient discomfort caused by BiLevel sleep apnea therapy, while delivering the same personalized ventilation.

    CPAP and BiPAP Treatment vs ASV

    Along with adaptive servo-ventilation, there are two other widely used treatments for sleep apnea: CPAP and BiPAP therapy. These are the most often prescribed treatments for OSA, because they work and actually help the sleep apnea suffer to not only better their nighttime sleep but also completely eliminate the symptoms and improve their general health.

    CPAP provides a single continuous pressure therapy while BiPAP provides two separate pressures upon inhalation and exhalation. ASV auto adjustment the pressure setting, and there is no pre-set number of pressures used in addressing central sleep apnea.

    CPAP treatment is usually the first treatment prescribed for sleep apnea, then BiPAP. ASV may be considered next if the other treatments don’t prove as effective as usual.

    It is of the utmost importance to consult a doctor if you suffer from sleep apnea and require treatment! The decision whether to put you on CPAP, BiPAP or ASV treatment is entirely up to your doctor and proper diagnosis.